Women in the Word Blog Hop #christianmoms

Welcome to Women in the Word
(Fellowship on Wednesday Blog Hop)

A New FUN Blog Hop!

Living on Love and Cents , My Slice of Sanity, One + One = Four and Flutterbys And Frogs have joined together to bring you Women in the Word Fellowship on Wednesday”. I hope you will join us! Once a week we will share about our time in the word and have you share your time “in the word” as well. There is a linky at the end of each post. You do NOT have to post a devotion, scripture or anything unless you want. If you have words of encouragement or a devotion post to link up that would be awesome! If you are a “Woman in the Word” and would like to find other Christian Bloggers –link up! Please grab the button to spread the word about our fellowship! I am looking forward to our fellowship! I hope we can all encourage one another each week!

Now for my weekly “Women in the Word” time!

The past week has been very challenging. I am working towards being a sahm. This means I leave the work place. I have been in the work place for …well forever. I enjoy working. But NOW things have changed. I have a 4 year old and 1 year old. And for the last year it has weighed very heavy on my heart that I need to stay home with my kids. Signs are everywhere and most importantly my heart is aching! I know what I am suppose to be doing. I know my purpose. I honestly belive if you feel something that strongly then it is GOD TALKING!

So I am acting on it! But this means getting ready and all the problems that come from making this change. It is NOT easy! I was thinking that there are so many leassons that come from this–having faith, obeying, trusting, obstacles, and more!

This Sunday I was reminded of Mary and Joseph and the plan God had for them. Though my situation is different it helped me to think about what God had planned for them and how they fulfilled the plan. It was NOT easy. In their case God sent an Angel to tell them his plan. In our case he gives us the Holy Spirit to tell us. Think about people must have judged Mary and Jospeh. The people talking about them and treating them differently. Think about how it was not EASY! My goodness mary had to ride on a donkey when she was nine months pregnant to make the journey to Bethleham! That must have been so unconfortable. Then when they reached Bethlehem there was no room for them. I can’t help but think they must havethought “God this is your plan. Why aren’t you making this easier on us?” But they didn’t! They took the situation and continued to trust and obey God’s plan! Her precious baby was born in a barn! The son of God! As a human I would wonder “WHY?” Why isn’t God helping us or making this wonderful since this is HIS PLAN?

That is FAITH! When I really read and thought about that I realized that following God’s plan for you is not EASY. Just because you know that you are doing what he has purposed you to do doesnt mean he will make the journey easy. He still allows the struggles happen. BUT when we continue to stay true to him and follow his plan HE WILL BLESS US! He will! I belive that!

I leave you with these words of scripture.

Jeremiah 29:11

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Philippians 2:13

for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.

Each week we will spotlight someone who linked to an uplifting scripture/devo/ thoughts etc. from the previous week. This week’s spotlight is

Romans 8:28

[ More Than Conquerors ] And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

Please let me know if you are a new follower! I am excited to find new christian blogging moms!

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4 Responses to Women in the Word Blog Hop #christianmoms

  1. ~Christina says:

    Good evening ladies, I am so encouraged to be among women who love the Lord! Be encouraged, I too am a recent sahm. yes it is challenging but when you are in the Will of God it is also rewarding. God bless U,Chrishttp://www.christinacage.blogspot.com/

  2. ~Christina says:

    Good evening ladies, I am so encouraged to be among women who love the Lord! Be encouraged, I too am a recent sahm. yes it is challenging but when you are in the Will of God it is also rewarding. God bless U,Chrishttp://www.christinacage.blogspot.com/

  3. Hi! I'm already a follower, but this is my first time linking up.Thanks for the linky!Linda @ Linda's Lunacyhttp://www.lindaslunacy.blogspot.com

  4. Hi! I'm already a follower, but this is my first time linking up.Thanks for the linky!Linda @ Linda's Lunacyhttp://www.lindaslunacy.blogspot.com

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